Thursday, January 31, 2013


Missing Summer and my "littler" kids. This picture is one of my favorites of all time.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Abby insisted that I take a picture of her kissing Adam. Very sweet.

Monday, January 28, 2013


We had a snow day today, so, the kids got to play together all day! Abby and Josh had a rare moment of harmony and were playing Dr.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


 Josh does not love underwater swimming yet, so, this was our best Josh pic.
 The camera was at the bottom of the pool and this is Seth getting ready to come down and get it.
 Seth in the hot tub, don't worry, it wasn't very hot at all. We had the place to ourselves since it was Sunday AM at 9.
 Abby's legs, Seth swimming
 Seth getting the goggles from the pool floor
 You can see Abby's legs and tube at the surface, Seth was almost to the bottom to grab the camera. it was 8' deep.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


 Adam is in the white, I am in the blue and Abby is in the polka dots in front of Adam
 Josh and myself enjoying the burst of sun to warm us up!
 Abby having a little ride
Adam and Abby getting ready to head over to the North Face of the "Mountain"!

Friday, January 25, 2013


Abby very rarely naps now, but, this was one of those rare days that she took a little snooze. It's amazing to me how she can look so big in some ways, and still look so small in others. Precious.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I bought a chalkboard to pull a few things together into one spot. The board has a "friendly" competition each week where we track our progress together, this week is push ups! Every 10 get a tally. There is a verse at the top, chores listed on the side, and, a "look forward to it" box where we pick something fun for the end of the week. It's been fun!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


We have decided to make a little study spot for Seth, he seems to be distracted doing his homework at the kitchen he can read on the chair and do his work on the table. He loves it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Today Josh is 6. He had a great day with his friends at school and celebrated in the evening by having a few friends come over and play.

Friday, January 4, 2013


We have a family pet! He is a Betta named Rocco! The kids loved picking out his spongebob house. He is very friendly and happy. You can see him peeking out his window saying, "hello"!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Well, there are going to be a few gaps in this month. I have slid a bit behind. As I look through our pictures I see that I wasn't very good at snapping a shot each day! I am going to just plug them in where they belong, and, those days that aren't represented will have to slide by unrecognized!